March for life in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia – October 5th, 2024

The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary (The Fundamental Law)

Hungarian national assembly We recognise the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood. We value the various religious traditions of our country.(page 2) We hold that the family and the nation constitute the principal framework of our coexistence, and that our fundamental cohesive values are loyalty, faith and love.(page 2) (1) Hungary shall protect the institution […]
Humanism and Healthcare Ethical Challenges in the 21st Century Program: Traducción simultánea (Español/Inglés) disponible desde tu móvilPor favor, trae auriculares si la quieres usar. Fecha: 24-11-2023Modalidad: Presencial / OnlineHorario: Desde las 09:00 a las 20:30. INSTITUCIONES COLABORADORAS – Movimiento Hipocrático– Comunidad de Madrid– OneofUs– Asociación Universitaria Ápex– Fundación Jérôme Lejeune– Facultades de Medicina de MadridUniversidad CEU San PabloUniversidad Europea de MadridUniversidad Francisco de […]
Life institut: Niamh Uí Bhriain on the Pro-Life Renewal Tour

March for life in Berlin

We have visited and supported an important and large demonstration of German colleagues in Berlin on September 16 at the Brandenburg Gate.Crosses for aborted children were placed near the stage so that they all form a heart together. A large number of Germans and other supporters of the pro-life movement gathered. The overture was a […]
Human change in Australia

Queensland Clinical Guidelines for the Termination of pregnancy
Pro-life worldwide summit – Program

Петак 12. мај 2023. / први блок: 11:00 – 15:00 (кафе пауза 13:00 – 13:20) (пауза за ручак: 15:00 – 16:30) Петак 12. мај 2023. / други блок: 16:30 – 19:00 (вечера: 19:00 – 20:00)Уметнички програм (20:00 – 21:15) Субота 13. мај 2023. / први блок: 10:00 – 14:00 (кафе пауза 12:00 – 12:20) (пауза […]
Beginning of summit and basic info

Pro-life worldwide summit begins on Friday May 12 at 11 o’clock CET in Belgrade city hotel, centre of Belgrade, Petrograd hall. Address is: Savski Trg 7.All lectures are free for all visitors. Artistic pro-life exhibition is included. Livestream is provided for those who can not come.Second day of summit begins on Saturday at the same […]
Speakers and registered participants from 5 continents

Pro-life worldwide summit in Belgrade has attracted large attention from friends and opponents. There are speakers and registered participants from 5 continents. Pro-life movement is going through evolution and transformation. Science and religion are on our side. So are the truth and justice. Together we are stronger, smarter and more beautiful. We need to protect […]
March for life in Spain – MARCHA SÍ A LA VIDA 2023

España salió a la calle el 12 de Marzo de 2023, realizando una multitudinaria Marcha que finalizó en Paseo de Recoletos, al lado de Plaza de Cibeles, con testimonios, música, y muchas sorpresas. Este año con más relevancia por las nuevas leyes en materia de aborto y eutanasia. Además, este año hemos incorporado lengua de […]