Pro-life movement is represented through a lot of organizations in many countries with different methods of action and different outcomes, different languages and cultures, law systems and traditions. But, we are all connected and united by the desire to protect every child in the period from conception to birth, and further, to protect every human life until natural death by developing and improving the culture of life.
All pro-life organizations and people – welcome to Pro-life worldwide summit in Belgrade, Serbia May 11-13th 2023! We have a lot in common!
Registration of participants of the summit is free, but necessary due to limited capacity.
Accommodation (rooms and meals) is provided for registered participants from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning. On Thursday afternoon and evening is the reception of guests, distribution of work materials and accreditations, allocation of rooms, etc.
The main working days are Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13. After the daily work in two blocks (morning and afternoon), an artistic program illustrating Belgrade and Serbia and the culture of life is scheduled in the evening. A detailed program should be announced soon.
Belgrade is a city over 2,000 years old, known since Roman times, today a tourist center, and Serbia is known for its hospitality, beautiful and rich nature, quality food, wines, athletes, folklore, etc.
Send us your films, presentations, posters, texts, etc. early for practical presentation at the summit and online.
Taxi transportation from Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport to the wider city centre is limited to 20 to 25 euros (or dollars).
Please register early to secure your seat at the summit and buy your plane tickets early while they are cheaper.
We want to learn from you and for you to learn a lot of new things at the summit together with us. Let’s work together on upgrading our communications, fundraising, social sets, public relations. If you want to be a part of Pro-life worldwide organizing committee, please let us know.
We basically want to gether all quality materials and make it useful and operational so that it can change public opinion and attitudes of people in different countries. Good coordination and cooperation worldwide can save many lives of unborn children.
We all need to learn from each other and upgrade ourselves and our organizations. We are all here students and teachers.
And support from several different countries makes you more respected in your own country.
We need to talk. We need to talk about how:
Every unborn child everywhere is important, it is human being and has a right to stay alive.
Life begins at conception.
Abortions hurt soul and body of women.
Every embryo is a precious and unique human life.
Abortions hurt demography of nations.
And also about:
leaders, countries, continents, organizations (websites), events, pro-life history, abortion history, famous people about abortions, graphic design, videos, volunteers, national laws, demography, abortion providers, the cost of abortion and state budgets, criminalization of pro-life groups and activities, post-abortion syndrome, regrets, life stories, special type abortions (rape, genetic anomalies of embryo, incest, etc), against infanticide (in California and elsewhere), etc.
Pro-life worldwide summit
Belgrade, May 2023
Belgrade is yours pro-life port.
Welcome to Belgrade!
Connecting Pro-Life and Pro-Family People and Organizations around the World
2025 © Pro-life worldwide: Initiative 2018; Web-site 2022; Summit 2023;