Pro-life Uganda

Pro-life activism in Uganda by African-life campaign and Abel Peterson.
Afrikan Life Campaign – serve and save
May has been a month for school holidays in Uganda. As Afrikan Life Campaign family standing onthe word of God ACTS 26:18″ “Am sending you to open their eyes so that they may turn away fromdarkness to light and from the power of Satan to God and may receive forgiveness of sin and placeamong those […]
African Life Campaign

African Life Campaign, 1426 Mengo. Kla, UgandaEmail: africanlifecampaign@gmail.comTel: +256-75188-7534 We are based in rural areas of Uganda, East Africa. We are focused on the following key areas:1 Gospel preaching,2 pro-life,3 school out reaches,4 young mothers initiative,5 farming for sustaince.