Budapest demographic summit

Budapest demographic summit
Birthgap – Childless World

The era of ultra-low birthrates has begun. But why are people having so few children these days? And what are the consequences ? Come on a journey of discovery across 24 countries to find the reason and also the future consequences for young and old alike. This is Part 1 of Birthgap – Childless World. […]
The Hungarian model of family support – politics supporting demography

„Ten years ago, when we won the elections with a 2/3 majority, we made a decision in Hungary that we would come out of the economic, political and moral crisis by focusing not only on economic growth, but also on supporting families. Our primary goal to this day remains stopping the process of population decline. […]
Victory of life in Malta

Malta has had full legal protection for the unborn child, but has come under intense international pressure over the last year to remove these protections. This resulted in the Maltese Government bringing forward a radical piece of legislation that would have seen Malta go from being the only country in Europe with full protection for […]
Days of family officially in Belgrade; May 13-14th

Days of family will officially be held in Belgrade on May 13th and 14th announced his holiness Serbian patriarch Porfiriy and major of Belgrade mr. Aleksandr Sapic. Patriarch Profiriy said: All city of Belgrade like one big family will have a chance to feel joy and no one is a burden. We all need each […]