2 million people on March for life in Argentina
Let us not forget that pro-life movement is now one of the strongest – or the strongest social movement in the world. By the number of pro-life organizations, number of people engaged, moral strength, countries involved, massive events, consistency, longevity, etc. We are active on all 6 continents. We will not stop until every child […]
Budapest demographic summit
Budapest demographic summithttps://budapestidemografiaicsucs2023.hu/en
Humanism and Healthcare Ethical Challenges in the 21st Century
https://icomem.es/formacion/3/Formacion-Medica-Continuada/571/Humanism-and-Healthcare-Ethical-Challenges-in-the-21st-Century Program:https://icomem.es/adjuntos/adjunto_4961.1700747458.pdf Traducción simultánea (Español/Inglés) disponible desde tu móvilPor favor, trae auriculares si la quieres usar. Fecha: 24-11-2023Modalidad: Presencial / OnlineHorario: Desde las 09:00 a las 20:30. INSTITUCIONES COLABORADORAS – Movimiento Hipocrático– Comunidad de Madrid– OneofUs– Asociación Universitaria Ápex– Fundación Jérôme Lejeune– Facultades de Medicina de MadridUniversidad CEU San PabloUniversidad Europea de MadridUniversidad Francisco de […]
March for life in Berlin
We have visited and supported an important and large demonstration of German colleagues in Berlin on September 16 at the Brandenburg Gate.Crosses for aborted children were placed near the stage so that they all form a heart together. A large number of Germans and other supporters of the pro-life movement gathered. The overture was a […]
March for Life on the 14-th of October
If you are in the MacKay areas please join us in a powerful March for Life on the 14th of October. Make a stand up for the unborn and their right to life. Together, we can make a difference. March with us, march for life!Your presence matters. CherishLife https://www.cherishlife.org.au/
Rally for life in Dublin 1st July 2023
https://rallyforlife.net Join the biggest and most EXCITING pro-life event of the year – the All-Ireland RALLY FOR LIFE – as pro-life people from across the country join together to Stand for Life. We’re marching to celebrate Life, to demand a better answer than abortion for mothers and babies, and to be a voice for the […]
Support for summit from Argentina
Dear ProLife Friends,Greetings from Argentina. We hope your Summit is a great success and may enlighten many people who are working to defend life in the whole world.We join with all of you attending this Summit in solidarity and we would like to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you who […]
March for life Brisbane
March for life in Spain – MARCHA SÍ A LA VIDA 2023
España salió a la calle el 12 de Marzo de 2023, realizando una multitudinaria Marcha que finalizó en Paseo de Recoletos, al lado de Plaza de Cibeles, con testimonios, música, y muchas sorpresas. Este año con más relevancia por las nuevas leyes en materia de aborto y eutanasia. Además, este año hemos incorporado lengua de […]