The Pro-life worldwide summit, at the end of the second working day, on Saturday, May 13, in Belgrade, “Belgrade city hotel”, adopted an important document that should strengthen and expand the existing rights of children. Representatives from 5 continents, all except Australia, took an active part in the summit. Before its adoption, the Declaration was translated into English, Italian, Spanish, French and Russian.
Universal Declaration of Children’s Rights Worldwide 2023 – The Belgrade Declaration
Affirming the fundamental principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which acknowledges the inherent dignity, equal, and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world, we hereby present the Belgrade Declaration, a universal declaration of children’s rights worldwide. This Declaration seeks to uphold and expand upon these principles, with a specific focus on the rights and protection of children across the globe.
Article 1:
The age of a child shall not be used as a basis for reducing or eliminating their right to life or any other fundamental rights.
Article 2:
No child shall be subjected to discrimination based on the race, ethnicity, religion, health condition, sex or beliefs of their parents. Every child shall be entitled to the full enjoyment of their rights, including the right to life, without any discrimination.
Article 3:
No country, or any political or administrative subdivision thereof, shall be permitted to reduce or eliminate the right to life of any child, regardless of their nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, health condition, sex or beliefs.
Article 4:
The laws of every country must ensure that the killing of a child, including those in the womb, is treated with the same gravity and legal consequences as the killing of an adult. This provision shall apply without exception, in order to ensure the equal protection of the right to life for all children.
Article 5:
Biological life of child begins at the moment of conception and therefore all human and juridical rights of a child shall be recognized and protected by the law and institutions from the moment of conception.
(The rights of a child, including the right to life, shall be recognized and protected from the moment of conception.)
In witness whereof, the undersigned, having duly considered the provisions set forth in the Belgrade Declaration, pledge their commitment to promote and protect the rights of children worldwide, and to uphold the principles enshrined in this Universal Declaration of Children’s Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.