Custom House Sq : Belfast : 2pm : 11 March 2023
This Rally for Life will be the first major pro-life march in Northern Ireland since 2019.
At this time in history the pro-life movement is energised by the overturning of Roe vs Wade in the USA, which was a tremendous victory as part of a global trend giving fresh momentum to the pro-life cause.
TRAGICALLY, however, since abortion was legalised in Northern Ireland, more than 4136 little babies have now been killed by abortion. But this is NOT ENOUGH deaths for the UK Government, who recently announced the ‘FULL COMMISSIONING’ of abortion in Northern Ireland. This means abortion ON-DEMAND right up to the moment of BIRTH is NOW legal here.
‼Please join us to “March for their lives” at the BELFAST RALLY for LIFE on Saturday 11th March 2023 – gathering in Custom House Square at 2.00pm.
Please save and display the Rally for Life cover photo (here) on your Twitter and Facebook accounts to help raise awareness of #RFL2023
Did you know? This will be the first major pro-life march in Northern Ireland since 2019 abortion was unjustly imposed on NI? At this critical time, thousands of defenceless future unborn babies need YOU to be their voice!
Organized by Precious Life and supported by over 40 local groups and organizations